Monday, November 23, 2009

vernacular : mapungubwe interpretation centre

Designed by Peter Rich, recipient of the second World Building Award at the World Architecture Festival, the Mapungubwe Interpretation Centre in South Africa is such a breath of fresh air.  Not only is it new, modern and organic, but its honest in its vernacular.  It is built to be a part of the natural environment as well as from local natural materials while at the same time representing the local culture.

Vist the World Buildings Directory for more information on the Mapungubwe Interpretation Centre.

Peter Rich was overwhelmed to receive the World Building Award.  Quoted on he said, "Architects need to be of service to a broader audience and to make changes so that it is not just one per cent of people who can afford to use an architect, and that is what excites me."  Rich and his work is new to me, but I do think I'll be watching him.

Peter Rich Architects is based in Johannesberg, South Africa.

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