Tuesday, November 10, 2009

beyond the floor : concrete

Working for a commercial concrete company, a girl ends up with more knowledge of the product than most.  Needless to say, I'm more than a little excited to see concrete move from structural floors, to decorative floors, onto the countertop and beyond. 

Yesterday's post shows an amazing application in the kitchen surrounding the fridge.  Below are more ways in which concrete is expanding its potential in the residential and decorative fields.

(An 18th century house in the French Basque countryside.)

(Steps in a bathroom.  Source unknown.)

(Sunken tub.  Source unknown.)

(Christopher Gaona.  Probably a terrazzo floor although polished concrete floors are becoming really popular.)

(Gaelle Le Boulicaut. Cast in place and stunningly minimal.)

Concrete is so versatile.  I love how the white and grey tones really let the architectural detailing stand out.  The possibilities are limitless though: stains and pigments, vertical or horizontal, structual or decorative.

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