Tuesday, January 05, 2010

the dog trot : part 2

The dog trot style house may have been developed to beat the heat and humidity of the American South, but today the style has been adapted and reinterpreted.    Let's be honest, in the Pacific Northwest finding methods for cooling our homes really isn't a pressing issue.  Nonetheless, I just can't get the dog trot out of my head and dream of someday building a series of buildings connected by breeze ways out in the county.  I love how the breeze ways can compartmentalize zones of the home: separating private from public spaces, communal areas from solitary ones, kitchens from dining rooms and so on.  Below is an adorable and whimsical cabin in France (from Marie Claire Maison).  I can't read French, but I imagine it out in the back-40 of a lavendar farm where guests can have an alfresco meal and a nice afternoon siesta.

(Chez Jean Oddes from Marie Claire Maison)

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